Love of Fate
Pierre-Alain Meier – Lebanon, Germany
1.5 million Syrians have had to flee to Lebanon and are now stuck in a hopeless situation. Their only hope for a lasting solution is to participate in so-called resettlement programmes and get relocated to one out of 20 Western countries. Only a small number of them, the most vulnerable ones according to UNHCR, can benefit from this opportunity. In 2018, 9000 Syrians were able to leave Lebanon in this way.
Having left Syria in 2013, two Syrian families have been put through a veritable obstacle course. Five years later, they are now on the verge of departure for Germany.
But as they take the final step, fate intervenes. One of the two families will not leave in the end.
When fate strikes, there is no escape. There are cures for disease, there is none for fate. We ought to face our destiny with courage.
Swiss Films
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Love of Fate in world premiere at Fiff in Freiburg on July 22, 2021

© Beatrice Babin – © Thomas Delley