More Than Honey
Markus Imhoof – Europe, USA, China
Over the past fifteen years, numerous colonies of bees have been decimated throughout the world. The causes of this disaster haven’t yet been established. Depending on the regions of the world concerned, between 50% and 90% of the bees have disappeared.This epidemic, of colossal violence and breadth, is spreading from beehive to beehive all over the planet. Everywhere, the same scenario is repeated: billions of bees leave their hives, never to return. No bodies are found in the immediate surroundings. No visible predators.
Should we incriminate pesticides and the medication used to combat them? Parasites such as varroa mites? New viruses? Travelling stress? The multiplication of electromagnetic waves disturbing the magnetite nanoparticles found in the bees’ abdomen? It seems that it is rather a combination of all these agents that has been destroying the bees’ immune defenses.
Fifty years ago, Einstein had already insisted on the dependence relation that bound the pollen gatherers to mankind: “If bees were to disappear from the globe,” he had predicted, “mankind would only have four years left to live.”
Swiss Films
Kino Lorber
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Different posters of the film